Sautéed Tilapia

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Sautéed tilapia is a healthy and delicious meal, especially when served with a colorful vegetable stir fry and rice!


  • 3-4 pieces of tilapia 
  • 3-4 tbs of light white wine
    (Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, or whatever you are drinking.) 
  • Garlic salt, black pepper, and paprika 
  • Half of a lemon  


    1. Heat 2 tbsps of olive oil in a nonstick pan on medium heat.
    2. Dry the tilapia with a paper towel.
    3. When the oil is hot, place each piece of tilapia into the pan. 
    4. Sprinkle with garlic salt, black pepper, and paprika. 
    5. Wait about 5 minutes. While it's sizzling, splash white wine into the pan. 
    6. After another minute, gently turn the tilapia over, and sprinkle salt, pepper, and paprika on the second side.  
    7. Squeeze juice from half of a lemon all over the tilapia. 
    8. After at least 5 minutes on the second side, turn off heat and serve.
    9. Enjoy!

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